Thanks Freda. Apart from adding the earings - I did nothing. You are a lovely lady [img]
11,000 - that is ELEVEN THOUSAND badgers have already been killed in the current cull. More than 30,0000 in recent culls. See:...
Thanks for the pictures, WF[img]
I believe that it is also illegal to shoot an animal with a bow and arrow. Not so in the land of the free where there is now a move afoot to...
Finger pressure will blur the shots even on a tripod. Older SLR cameras had handy cable release facilities for vibration free night...
You did very well to hold the camera still for those shots. People with simpler cameras and no tripod are going to find this subject...
I'm sure you know that the first one is an introduced Canada Goose. The other one is an Egyptian Goose. Also feral, they were introduced into...
See here GD. Thankfully, we in Britain no longer do this and that is why small birds are relatively tame here. Malta and Cyprus are two of...
Agree entirely with Geoff and Pete. I am not a vegetarian and have no qualms about killing animals for food providing they are well cared...
Thanks Nathan and thanks to everyone who voted for the Big Issue.At the outset, I decided that I couldn't profit from this womans's...
Does the fox harbour more diseases than the dog? Dog pooh is known to cause blindness in children and a pit bull has once again killed a...
Love the purple one too, WF. Colour is so important in creative art and has to be handled well to be effective. Too many strident clashing...
I've kept out of this one as once drawn in I would explode. No one who has not worked down the mines or in a steel mill has any right to judge...
Welcome back Kandy. You know what I mean...
A dog helps with the walking. We walk in early the morning and again at night. Plenty of time in between for doing other things. Also - there...
But my garden is under six inches of water. I could start a paddy field I suppose. Now that's an idea for a new picture - an underwater...
Exercise is the key to weight control and health. Not everyone is able to take physical exercise of coures, but many who can - don't.Far...
Does Mrs Dag still think we're mad or would she like a chocolate?[img]Technique: Select chocolates and turn into a new mask layer....
Separate names with a comma.