Looking good - nice display of colours too :)
Questions about Trachelospermum jasminoides aka Star Jasmine ..... Have been reading on the net for a while today about this and a few sites...
Its a shame all motorbike drivers dont go on the advanced course Aaron - some of them are crazy on the road the way they weave in and out of...
At work and at home, I use adobe illustrator and photoshop. They do everything ive ever needed to do :) I think you can crop with the basic...
No and I think thats the problem. Ie buying things then deciding I dont like it or prefer something else. Like the Dahlia's - first time I have...
Think the first one would be such a lovely place to sit and waste away an afternoon !!! Esp on a lovely day :)
Ok this is probably where I get confirmed as a weird woman ...... but I dont actually like roses :o Not in the garden anyway. Bunches of roses...
I have the honeysuckle already climbing over an arch and knowing how prone it has been this year to flies, I dont think I would want it twice in...
Lovely photos - weather looked much better for you today ! :)
Lovely photos Bob .... think im starting to get a thing for Dahlia's :)
Thanks Redstar - if it helps I only have the one sunny wall, everything else is in the shade !
Sorry - more questions ! :o Now I have chopped back the Bridal Wreath you can see the state that the Weigela is in. It didnt look too bad under...
Thanks for that :gnthb: Will have to have a look at mixing a spring flowering and summer flowering one together maybe. Although if its...
How much use will they get - ermmm - once lol I dont have anything else in the garden that I will ever use them for apart from this and if i...
Well I have cut off as much as I can for today - I now have a blister on my finger :( to match the bruished chin and scratches up my face lol...
Thanks for that Claire - not sure it would be an option though as no where to store it really. Plus its hard to leave anything lying around for...
Thats the problem Redstar, isnt it .... knowing what works together :)
Sorry should have said, I cant have anything with berries as the dogs would eat them - and you just never know! Will have a look at the...
Welcome to the forum :) Hope you get some good suggestions on your thread !
How often did you do this ? And can you buy it already liquidated or do I have to do this myself ? How long does it smell for ? Might have...
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