don't worry .... they are working on it... watch this youtube clip (I've been following this from the start when we had the BP oil spill) .......
found a Yamaha XT500 on autotrader .... £2495 .... :ouch1:...
most of my mates had big road bikes .... I never felt comfortable on them and these are the 3 motorbikes I owned: my 1st bike .... Suzuki TS 185...
you can hire them for cheap ...
50% cardboard and 50% leafy greens/veg ... you can also add things like manure etc, but if using horse manure, make sure that the horses were not...
lawyers tell you what to say, and when to say it
Nah .... I'd rather have a 1955 Vincent Black prince [IMG] [IMG]
smokescreens just to keep the public 'sheeple' happy why is diamond still walking free and why is it that he will get a 20 million payout??...
if everytime there is a false bomb threat that takes half a day or longer to sort, and that shuts down major networks and roads for half a day,...
if you have an area to seed .... why wait until the end of the year? you will end up pulling weeds weekly ... or spraying poison sow the...
[media] [media]
when I was younger (18-23), I often got totally 'phished' and used to drive long distances after parties etc, .... with passengers in my car ......
Here's one for Freddy [media]
Be very careful with chocolate: Learn the secret about this stuff [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] THIS ISTHERESULT... [IMG] It...
it's sad ..... both for her, her family and the other family :mad:
not Moody blues, but I'm listening to a few tracks of Supertramp Crime of the century [media] and some BJH [media]
she does not need to drive .... her new chauffer will drive her wherever she wants to go
a good season for gardeners .... I'm mowing some client's lawns twice a week instead of once a week :)
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