Thanks. Did not see that. I have a feeling they did it once before, but had it bring it back as they lost so many visitors.
Was there an announcement on Gardner's World about removing the Forum section as I am sure I did not see it when I looked in this morning. If not...
Some of us have been in here for a long long time.
I thought there was something wrong with Gardener's World website before. Sad to see it go after so many years. Welcome though.
Purple Toothwort, Lathrea clandestina along the Wirral Way. No photo, no camera
At least now you have the correct name to go searching.
Olearia 'Henry Travers' from Burncoose Nurseries
And the best of luck. We were still trying to remove this after 20 years of digging, pulling and weedkiller.
Definitely a bit early for them, mine are still dormant.
Only time I have managed it was with newly formed shoots when they were still reddish in colour. No other cuttings rooted.
Have you downloaded the program? Next step is to Email the person you wish to zoom with and invite them to join you. Unless you have received an...
Does the stuff in the border alongside survive?
Pear rust does spread from Junipers to Pear trees, but yes that tree does look dead. Try the scrape test. Scratch a little piece of bark and if it...
As long as the sacking is made from plant material like Sisal then it will eventually rot away, in that case you do not need to do anything other...
No crocks in my pots. I put a small piece of wire mesh over the drainage hole to stop slugs getting in.
Not so sure that these are vine weevil grubs. They look as if they have legs at the front, in which case they are more like chafer grubs.
High fibre intake gives you the runs, whereas high fibre providers usually give one the runaround.
We are with Befibre and at the moment it seems a good service. As far as we can tell from the contract the price is fixed for 2 years. What...
As the plants mentioned are all dormant at this time of year, planting now and subsequent cold should not be a problem. A foot apart seems...
Second looks like Choisya.
Separate names with a comma.