I gave up watching Coronation St when they killed off Martha Longhurst (work that one out). Never watched a 'reality' show of any kind. Hate...
Been there, had that. The rats gnawed through 4 inches of concrete floor to get into our apple store. Now we don't have apple trees and the ones...
One word of caution when moving the germinated seeds on, if you damage the incredibly thin and almost invisible radicle( root coming from the...
Another suggestion is Germander speedwell. We have planted some of it in pots and will wait to see if it flowers.
One of ours is in flower, but the other is still not showing any growth. Both bought from Lidl at the same time.
How many thousand would you like? They are as prolific as sycamore. They are supposed to be slow growing, but the ones here, very quickly get up...
Now that really does look like it. There would be no flowers as the grass is cut very short and regularly as you would expect on a Bowling Green....
Ragwort is a possibility, but this spreads by runners as well and Ragwort is not supposed to.Thanks
This is taking over the Bowling Green. Persistent roots and seems resistant to broad leaf weed killers. (Not that the greens keeper is keen on...
The last one was due out in July, but things got in the way. This one was due out now and it is, so two books together again. Amazon.co.uk
I think that is Number 15 and there is one on the way, another few in the machine awaiting working on.
Yet another literary offering. Amazon.co.uk
I have a vague memory of a discussion with the Director of Ness Gardens about how the original import of the seeds from the wild did not germinate...
It must be possible. We bought one from Biddulph a few years back and that was a seedling.
Got a number of kernels from one of these. Search shows them as containing multi-seeds. Any suggestions as to, if this is true, and how to split...
Narcissus like a soil of between pH 6.0–7.0. ie slightly above neutral. Probably best if you feed them after flowering, that is if you want them...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] We got snow, a good 6 inches of it, still coming down too.
Just to show that I have not been idle recently. https://imgur.com/a/summer-house-raised-bed-kv5gCdA
Strangely enough we have squirrels here, but they do not seem to go for our pots. In the past (at the right time of year) we have had trouble with...
Even with images of the flowers it is not always easy to distinguish between some of the forms. Basically they are Orange, Yellow or red.
Separate names with a comma.