Took thee this morning. One or three Auriculas in there.
We were unable to deliver your package... Reschedule your delivery date.Your package is out for delivery ID[16R] FedEx: Shipment Tracking...
Todays phishing email. From Paypal telling us that we have won a huge amount of money. Forwarded it to [email protected].
Todays phishing attemptCashApp Payment ConfirmationA balance of $2000.00 is available for your CashApp AccountAnd I shall watch out for...
Yahoo is part of the Yahoo family of brands Click on this to read the report.
Probably because our Yahoo Email account was hacked years ago and we keep it for the amusement. According to tonight's offering I have had an...
Today's offering is 4 different addressed Email saying that we have the chance to win Luxury pillows from Premier Inn. None of them from a...
Definitely, thanks. Should have known ,but as I said brain dead at the moment.
Hesperis is a definite possibility as it is present in close by gardens.
Thought that I had added a bigger image. [ATTACH]
Sorry, the site would not let me do bigger ones.
Told you my brain is not working. [ATTACH]
I should know this, but brain dead with the cold out there. [ATTACH] The flower heads look as if they are covered in hairs.
This came as P. Molly the Witch which it plainly ain't, so can anyone put a name to it for me please. Red flowers, dwarf habit, early flowering,...
Look very much like the hybrid primula of the bedding out sort.
In our previous garden the Camassias shared their bed with all sorts of grasses from Couch to Humungously tall Miscanthus. So, yes is the answer.
One set now has flower buds showing.
5 years and a couple of weeks! And a lot of money!
Took these before they garden is blown away (or not).
At this time of year the vine weevils would have pupated into adults and left. So, there would be no sign of them if they had done the dirty deed.
Separate names with a comma.