Even better....Daibob:dancy:
Being as helpful as I am Rheum......rhubarb.....but I will call mine bob from now on:)
I use ones that have contained 'other' stuff as well. Thoroughly washed out they're quite fine....although some of my house plants are a bit...
What have you given up trying to grow? Taller. Plant wise? I'll keep trying until I succeed with it
In my gardening for a living days, I did an old dears garden whose husband had alzheimers. I regularly unearthed cutlery, crockery, jewelry and a...
Vegan by proxy
Agree with Pete, some sort of bean weevil....I could say it's what makes bean sprouts extra crunchy....but I won't!:)
As I said in my post, they're ok for a few years in a pot, but your criteria is limited to a handful of things. Alpine strawberries are small,...
arbutus unedo will have people going wow, what is that! The fruit is edible, it's evergreen and will last in a pot for quite a few years before...
That IBC will come in handy:dbgrtmb:
Mahonia soft caress is nice and I'm only just hearing about sweet winter....get them both! Add hebe to the list. The small leaved varieties are...
I thought it looked a bit like a stretched echeveria, or pachyveria, or sedeveria? But I'm no expert on succulents and it's probably nothing like...
Ok, if you don't want to go down the blowing stuff up route, I've had good results using a pruning saw. It's narrow blade can get in between gaps....
Once you see it, you can't unsee it. I tried that with my house plants. It either looked like Ghandi, or Mr Blobby!........
Another one that would benefit from TNT/C4/Semtex! I've removed a few of these when I gardened for a living....I did not have fun:frown:
Carex pendula. A pain in the seating area to get rid of as the little (insert choice swearword here) self seeds into the most inaccessible areas....
You must have some bloody stupid cats! Most, with the full compliment of their nine lives, will avoid bulb flowers
A succession of winter pansies, the big flowered ones, snow drops, daffodils, tulips, alliums, calendulas, pelargoniums and dahlias will produce...
I didn't say after which Christmas!:)
Separate names with a comma.