I got bumbled putting out the washing a few years ago. My own fault for minding my own business and walking past the honeysuckle.... Felt like I'd...
My trial with various foody baits has been put on hold. Too many to have a serious count up....mainly from spanish slugs. When these things breed...
The best way to get the roots out, is employ some one to do it for you! Failing that, it's hard graft. You'll need a mattock, a breaker bar, a...
My tuppence worth. I avoid hard pruning, preferring a third at the most. Another third six weeks later gives them time to fully recover some...
I'd normally do evergreen cuttings November/December, but you could try and strike them any time really. Not the easiest choisya to root, but not...
Mine get cut down somewhere between Christmas and Easter, depends on my available enthusiasm. Sometimes it gets totally mullered by wind and rain...
Looks like scale insects...get rid
First things first. This is a gardening forum, it shouldn't be used as a platform to air views, rightly or wrongly, on whether shops should sell...
The actual moaning about supermarkets and plants IS a first world problem. The destroying of the planet and it's occupants and habitat is a...
Didn't Jack Hargreaves do a wigwam affair for sweet peas in a spiral? You could utilise the same for fruiting climbers. Five plants, wigwam,...
It would be better to ban the americanised pagan festival....it would save us all a load of grief
So let me get this right. People are moaning about supermarkets and the like not looking after the plants they sell and saying they should be...
Finish putting various ornaments and solar lights around the gazebo, pot on cacti and succulents....find welding gloves then pot on cacti and...
I use used compost with coarse sand from builders merchants or diy stores. rinse the sand if you want to, but I've never found the need. I prick...
I've had a bit of a spend up recently. Mainly small plants, various sources Monstera deliciosa, epipremnum something, peperomia something, fatsia...
This thread was posted elsewhere, it was responded to by a fellow who is the font of all knowledge...maybe I jumped the gun whilst waiting for the...
Microphylla it is, then!
There's me thinking you didn't like vicious spiky things....oh, how the tables have turned!:biggrin:
Me neither, so I googled it....imagine my dismay to learn it's a David Austin rose(I don't particularly like roses)
I initially thought of rosmarinifolia or suffruticosa, but there is quite a few others to choose from, so I checked......Daisybushes (Genus...
Separate names with a comma.