I have a long haired cat who gets seeds in her fur, I got rid of most of my grasses but she goes into the long grass in other places such as by...
For me everything was late this year but Rosella went on and on. I have just ripened the last indoors. Honeymoon was one everybody loved for...
Viburnum perhaps? Or perhaps Weigela. At any rate the chances are its a nice shrub. You will have to wait for it to flower. Looks like it has been...
OK, then I think it will be Kestrel plus one of the Sarpo varieties. They always buy a bag of Wilja when they're down here so that's the third....
I've just been forwarded a warning about the chances of yakon infecting potatoes with a virus...
Hi potato experts! I am going to buy 3 or 4 varieties of seed potatoes as a birthday present for my daughter. Slug/blight resistant ones would be...
The other thing it might be is a relative of physalis, shoo fly plant, Nicandra physalodes which does sometimes pop up from nowhere. In which...
Could you make separate semi circular ends and use the sticky back velcro to attach them?
I try to keep them in the greenhouse as they eat pests although I did see one wrapping up a bee. We get those white flower spiders in the garden...
I did a trough with my granddaughter last year and will do the same with different bulbs when we babysit at half term this year. She loved telling...
What an interesting thread this is! I grew some seeds I saved labelled as Love lies bleeding as an ornamental this year but I think they may have...
We use the yakon in salads and it goes very well in a vegetable curry. It stays crunchy when you cook it. It has the advantage of tasting sweet...
If you like amaranth try aztec broccoli, Huauzontl. You can eat the young leaves in salad, then pick the flower shoots like sprouting broccoli....
That's interesting JWK, I think my brother in law has saved his own seed for a long time. I must say to me his Golden Sunrise are a bit insipid...
I don't grow these myself but a friend let me taste a Sparta tomato and it was very tasty. Supposed to be an improvement on Shirley. If you want a...
The link is very useful. The striped stems clinch it. Incidentally the Huauzontle behind it which is in the same family also has red striped...
Interesting! I think it's quite a handsome plant. I thought I would save the seed off it and use them for microgreens.
This came up in my raised bed this year. I think the seed may have come in with the seaweed I put around the cabbages last winter. Do you agree...
Erigeron karvinskianus is becoming a weed here. I must admit it flowers for a long time though. Shrubby potentillas are tough and flower for a...
If you are anywhere near the sea wait until after a winter high tide and rain and you can gather seaweed to mulch the beds, It has loads of nutrients.
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