Well I've pinched out some and left some so we'll see hopefully.
What an excellent idea! 'mind you, the worst pest I ever had to deal with was rabbits in my Mum's garden, especially after her Jack Russel died!...
Yes, I've never heard of it but I wonder why not? I'm tempted to pinch out a couple just to see what happens.
My Purple Magnolia tall snap peas have germinated well and are about 6" high and now I'm wondering whether to pinch out the tops to get more stems...
I think one reason why tomatoes are so popular is that they are relatively easy to grow (indoors if you don't want blight) and don't get too many...
Several things have leaves like that, I thought it may be Digitalis lutea bit I think it's campion too. The right time of year for it to be coming...
First dry day in ages! Sunny but a freezing wind however I wrapped up in my boiler suit and cleared a patch of mourning widow iris which never...
The white one tells you why one old name is Doves at the Fountain. Definitely an aquilegia. There are hundreds of hybrids as they cross readily....
Try Primabella, I grew it last year in Cornwall and it didn't get blight. Bit of a tough skin but perfectly good for cooking. I also grew Koralik...
Sounds Moyra like a pan for panning tin (or even gold!) Any mines near you? We used them for feeding corn to the chickens, sort of combined scoop...
Not in the greenhouse but should work if you keep the soil moist. You should have enough to do the greenhouse and a couple of borders as well. I...
I think it would be a bit thick for a domestic machine. My Mum had an old Singer treadle machine which would cope with anything but modern...
Mature Cosmos will root from stems lying on the ground so I suspect you could plant them deeper when you pot them up like tomatoes. Maybe try just...
Did you save seed from the supermarket tomatoes? We like those very much but I heard they were F1 and it seems like your post confirms that. I...
They look good! So far I have 4 plants of Real Seed's House tomato which taste good and are my first to fruit, mainly because I sow them first and...
I would go easy on the fertilizer though seaweed is good, just give a weak solution, and just prune back the dead bits then put a thick mulch on....
Lawn daises prefer short grass so leaving it longer would help. Personally I love lawns covered in daisies and speedwell. Saw one with violas...
Definitely wild garlic, Allium triquetum. The stems are triangular. Not so edible as A. ursinum where the flowers are in an umbel at the top but...
The trough is about 3 foot by just over 1 foot and about a foot deep and in full sun. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.