In the past I grew less veg, mostly flowers, but now I just find growing food very satisfying!
If I had the time energy and land I would grow much more veg but in the limited space I have I find that tomatoes are well worth it for the...
Just sown some self saved House tomatoes originally from Real Seeds. They will be indoors for a while with help from grow lights and then grown in...
Well not much outside as it's wet but I have some lettuce and pea seedlings coming up and have sown radish, turnip and shallot seeds in the...
Wet again here but very mild. All of a sudden everything seems to be growing.
Well that's interesting Pete! I have a winter wash that has citrus oils in to spray my cherry which is a martyr to black fly, the only problem is...
ps. If it happens again ask them to put a camera down to check for blockages. Ours happened 3 times, the first time we got Dynarod in. They...
We had something similar happen a few years back. We drenched it with water and it recovered. The only thing I would use Jeyes for is to dip your...
Suns come out, hooray! some showers though but a dry day forecast for tomorrow.
Such an interesting thread!Charles Dowding the no dig man has some interesting comments about compost - about 10 minutes into this video:[MEDIA]
Opps! pressed return too early! 'Moss Gardening' by George Schenk. Probably out of print now but you could get a second hand copy perhaps.
Fittonias and peperomias don't get too big and have decorative leaves. I would avoid anything with hairy leaves as they would be prone to moulds....
Welcome. We're all apprentices really, never stop making mistakes and learning something new!
Looks like the drizzle is set in for the week. Mild though, 10C. Can't complain, at least its not stormy.
It is possible sometimes to use sewage from plants which process domestic waste only and are much less liable to be contaminated with heavy...
I think the saving the environment part is not so much reducing CO2 as much as preserving the peat bogs and the habitat they provide for plants...
Going back at least 20 yrs my boss' wife was a microbiologist and for her MSc did a study using straw and I believe, sewage sludge, to make...
Back to compost - I am doing an experiment in one of my compost bins, being very selective in what I put in - green fern leaves, shredded paper...
Thanks for the info! I have 2 bins made of recycled wood (which weren't cheap) a few years ago but they weren't properly rot treated and are...
Those look really good - where did you get them?
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