I'm trying corn and celery this year, as i haven't tried them as yet. I have to get my head around timings for growing new (to me) veggies. I...
Happy New Year everyone!!:ccheers:
I've just taken up Mosaics, but money making work always gets in the way. One day i'll have time to spend my time on what I really like to do....
It is definitely getting colder, but still seems very mild for time of year. A little bit of a breeze tonight. Time to get tucked in and keep warm!
Been to work today, so too dark to do any gardening when I get home now. From tomorrow I have a nice long weekend, so planning to help build a...
I suppose I could retreat as well...
I thought they said there wouldn't be much wind in the North of England, it getting quite strong here :dunno:
Buttered chicken (M&S), Charlotte potatoes (home grown), rainbox chard steamed (home grown), baby carrots steamed (home grown). Really yummy!!...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!:hpybtd::ccheers:
Well done Clueless, that will definitely give you a lift. Last time I was on here you were pretty down, new job, new you! Hope you enjoy and can...
Can't take a picture as camera battery on charge, but i have bought some comfrey roots :dancy: I can't wait to see if it makes a difference to my...
Some lovely photographs there. i'll have to start taking my camera out with me. One thing i have noticed this year, is the high number of bees...
I've been watching my garden grow :coffee:and digging out & eating my first potatoes fresh from the garden!:dbgrtmb:
Very warm, unusually warm i'd say, but it has been dull and grey most of the day until this evening. The sun is shining bright tonight :SUNsmile:...
:ccheers: Cheers! Enjoy!
Roasting...i'm expecting baked potatoes, when i finally lift them, me thinking i shouldn't have mulched them with grass afterall!:) Didn't know...
Oops, better start feeding the potatoes then...:)
:biggrin: yes, after reading it back now, I should've reworded that slightly! lol! It is after 10pm!
It's been, quite hot today, even i've taken my fleece off, so it must be at least 20 degrees!
Separate names with a comma.