Oh the mud! With our 15 month old golden retriever bringing it in on her huge paws!Glad it's not just our garden suffering at the moment!...
After much deliberation about whether to move or whether to stay we have made the decision (for now at least) to stay where we are! :yes:But, to...
Beautiful pics @shiney, decisions, decisions now! So much choice. But feeling really excited to get started on some garden transforming :spinning:
Thank you all for these ideas, you've given me some great ideas here. @Mike Allen I'll get out with a tape measure later, subsidence was one of...
Hi, we have a 12 foot conifer in our front garden which unfortunately we think is going to have to come out as it probably wants to grow and grow...
Lol @ the lily beetle battle @lolimacI'll have to keep a look out for them we had loads on our fritillaries last year.
Might give them a go then thanks @NigelJ
If I plant them now, will they flower this year? Or should I have planted them in the autumn?I fell in love with them last year when a few of...
A drizzly day here in Bristol which makes me appreciate these pops of colour even more.[ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]
A stream running through the garden sounds idyllic :heart:
That's a very good point @Sandy Ground ,it's interesting how gardens and how we use them have changed over time.
Such heartwarming replies, thank you all. Humans are a sentimental bunch aren't we! It's so lovely how so many of us feel we have put our hearts...
Thanks both for your replies, @CarolineL that must have been emotional for you leaving behind a garden after 27 years, I wish you every happiness...
Such a lovely reply @Selleri , you've given me lots to think about and it's so nice to hear others' perspective and experiences - thank you.
Hi everyone,Sorry I've not been posting much recently, I've been so busy that I've not had much time for taking any garden pics or posting, the...
Mine are ripening daily now, I'm pleased to say. I am so pleased. I've also been able to pick some apples from the tree and already made a crumble...
Ok thanks all, I'll try a combination of suggestions then, and see what works best.:ThankYou::tomato:
We have lots of tomatoes but they're still green, they're a good size and in plenty of sunshine (when the sun is actually out!)Is there still time?
I love them. They seem to love our heavy clay soil and do very well. We don't spray them. They get covered in black fly every year but then the...
Welcome back @ARMANDII I have so missed your photos of your beautiful garden.
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