Gosh, that's doing well for you, Clare! :blue thumb: I've got 4 salvias and not much flowering at all yet, my 'Nachtvlinder' and 'Amethyst Lips'...
@shiney Yes, I think 'Firecracker' is rather pretty, but I was put off it for life when a garden my friend tends developed a huge colony of it...
A warm welcome, @claramoo!Ooh exciting, so many different possibilities and directions you could take the garden in! :spinning: Nick
Thanks Michael and Pete,I'm a bit suspicious of the clethroides as it has never seemed quite right in terms of health and I got it from a...
Thanks Clive, I'll note the colour of the legs from now on! :dbgrtmb:Nick
@pete I don't even have a pond but there's a local network of ponds now that so many in my neighbourhood have them, seems to have made a huge...
Awful photo I know, but does anyone know this damselfly species, please? I thought Small Red Damselfly but the markings at the back don't seem...
Hi All,I'm trying to grow Lysimachia clethroides (Gooseneck Loosestrife) and Lysimachia ephemerum (Willow-leaved Loosestrife). These are the...
So I'm guessing Nigel was correct and that's indeed powdery mildew, then... :)Nick
Having had a quick look I can't find much info on these, wondering if they're a recent introduction. :scratch: Interesting leaves, almost...
I'm not generally a fan of bulbs but yes, I do love these and will also eventually add some Fritilaria persica to my garden which I absolutely...
"Burnt Tip Orchid"One of my favourite natives which I have never even seen IRL, so thanks for sharing your lovely photo of it, @strongylodon! :)...
I'm not certain, but I think it's a Nectaroscordum siculum.Nick
No, it's the same size mate, I've just mindlessly packed far more plants into it this year! :roflol: The trouble with actaeas is that they seem to...
I absolutely love this, one of my favourite English folk songs... :)Nick[MEDIA]
@daisybelle You might want to try Naturescape next year for more success, not available ATM but they specifically state that theirs are "English...
Thanks Vicky, I fear I've gone OTT with architectural plants this year with not enough bushy ones to provide a sense of balance, but it's very...
Potted my Hebe 'Great Orme' yesterday, I think the pink flowers and glazed blue container will complement each other rather well. Fuchsia 'Mrs...
Had a busy day in the garden on Wednesday. My Acer 'Garnet' was looking a bit odd, as I had simply edged around its canopy last week to avoid the...
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