Only thing left in the garden that they seem to love is my aster, but I think I might love the aster more than a 'slug-free' garden, so I might...
Thanks Vicky, it'll have my Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile' nearest to it with the slight purple tinge in the center of the flowers so they should...
Planted my Syringa 'Bloomerang Dark Purple'. This flowers mainly in late Spring and then intermittently until mid-Autumn, so it should provide...
I have the same issue as the OP, wouldn't spraying the buddleias with horticultural soap deter the aphids? Predators don't seem to be sufficient...
Yes, definitely a verbena, this sort of thing...Garden Verbena Vectura® Red Wing – Freeplants
Yeah, Nigel Farage posted about millionaire migration on X today: "This is what happens when you raise taxes too high. The Tories did this and...
It's OK to have the same outfit @BB3, you wear what you love. :heehee:
They've probably given up, can't compete with Labour. :biggrin:
@Tidemark That doesn't surprise me in the least, it's precisely the sort of supercilious attitude I've come to expect from the Tories! :dunno:
Correct, I should edit my post! :blue thumb:
Wow, according to this poll only 5% of Labour voters say their main reason for voting for them is because they actually agree with their policies!...
This is utterly repugnant behaviour, no-one should have to face such abuse at a place they were invited to! The poor man was clearly very shaken....
@Sheal I do hope you'll still pop in and talk to us even if you're temporarily not gardening, always a pleasure chatting with you! :)
I don't think I've had leaflets for the Greens or LibDems and I've voted for both of them in the past, a bit disappointing. I probably won't vote...
The Express seem to really want me to vote Reform! :roflol:[ATTACH]
Nationalism doesn't have to be based on race and expansionism, it can be based on shared culture and values and that's mostly what I'm seeing in...
Separate names with a comma.