The indoctrination is no longer strong enough for them to ignore what's right in front their eyes, that's why Reform are doing so well on social...
Sounds like the problem is that they're in that south-facing border and getting too hot, thanks everyone, will try them in a shadier spot this...
Two that have really impressed me in the last couple of years in terms of drought tolerance, floriferousness and general low maintenance are...
I think it's really a question of what you want from it, @Spruce! +1 for Hazel's suggestion of 'Big Blue' which is a lovely blue and very...
@Tara Jane Here you go, the sellers in this thread should be a bit more reliable! It was only started about 4 years ago so hopefully all the links...
Ah, this might be the problem or at least a big part of it, haven't had good experiences with Crocus! There's a very useful old thread where many...
Cistus ladanifer seems like a really easy one to grow, has just flowered about four days after planting. It's an interesting plant, used in two...
It's the one they grow to feed silkworms with Pete, the black one which is quite common here was basically a failed experiment...Morus nigra -...
Yes, the leaves very closely resemble Morus alba (White Mulberry) to me too! :)morus alba leaf - Recherche GoogleNick
Nice garden, I love the colours near your path! One plant looks like alliums, but what are the pinks and the burgundy?Nick
Welcome @ManekiNekoUK, I stopped using chemicals in the garden a few years ago and the diversity of insect life visiting my garden nowadays is...
Mediterranean/dry garden will be great because it will be quite low maintenance as Chris said, you could also include some butterfly-friendly...
It's strange, slugs really seem to go for some nemorosas to the point of almost destroying the plant, I had a similar experience with my nemorosa...
Oh, brilliant! Thanks so much for that, Hazel! :yes:Not familiar with it, but it looks like a really interesting nursery with wildlife-friendly...
I've always wanted one because of having read about that in one of the Hessayon books, but I want the pink version and it seems hard to source in...
Not much at all today, just dug out a Lysimachia clethroides and Knautia arvensis from a border and replaced them with a Cistus ladanifer. The...
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