[ATTACH]I always found that gates, and their hinges, lasted a lot longer if they had something to rest on when open. Even more so with wooden ones.
Come to that, why are black olives always in tins, and green olives always in glass jars? We should be told.
Excellent des res´s for the feathered ones, hope they appreciate the effort. If you get no tenants, maybe consider fixing a piece of dowel just...
This video shows the floods in Germany and Belgium, the scale of destruction is simply awful.[MEDIA]
Beautiful morning here in Paradise, with a faint smell of coffee. The next seven days vary from 92 to 97, though it will be slightly cooler for me...
The tyre pressure varies with heat and usage Michael, by more than one psi, so it´s definitely over-sensitive. Going higher will improve your mpg,...
Valve caps wear over time, especially the plastic ones. The valve is there to allow inflation, but the cap is the ultimate seal, and the end of...
pete wonders, " ... how many are mildly ill." I´ve had both jabs, and three weeks after the second, I had a sore throat for three days. I stayed...
Is that before they made the criteria less stringent, or after ?
What passes for excitement here this morning took the form of a parcel - a new spokeshave. Ordered yesterday, it arrived today, ´fraid I´m not...
I love schadenfreude but my random woman always spoils it.
I don´t know which I enjoy the most, the Spanish weather forecast, or the English one.
"The strange thing is that the media are bombarding us with daily figures and only giving one side of the story." I agree pete, although I´m not...
Sunrise 07:06. Clear sky, the village below and the Sierra Lujar to the south already in bright sunshine, the Med in the distance merging with the...
[MEDIA]Is it ´cos I´m from Yorkshire ?
As with the recent footy, I regard it as a draw. Many thanks to France and Portugal, I can now impress my better half with casual references to...
I love the "Flash Mob" orchestral videos on YouTube, especially Bolero, which gets a frequent airing, but when I want to be transported to...
Looking at images I think you´re very close, though my fruit are lozenge shaped and single, all the pics online are of round berries in clumps....
[ATTACH]Half way up the drive lives this thorny specimen.[ATTACH] The red berries are edible, and it rarely needs water. Any ideas of its...
Separate names with a comma.