my MOL rule follows here. "IT has two chances". I would do it soom. My cotoneasters get haircuts annually and no problems yet.PS have you...
My lupins were decimated in 2007 but came back in 2008. They are brilliant. As are foxgloves but i dont want to get on that rant. GRUMPY OLD MOL
I just replanted one. So Im hoping too. In a couple of months ......................
for local advice try the old boys tending their gardens. Advice willbe might even get some plants !!!
New house. My advice is to walk about and try to gossip with to your neighbours. They know soil, climate best. If they are as helpful ss in this...
Clueless is right. I used loads of horsepoo and the worms got to work. It also helps to plant the right plants. ie those that like water. Ive now...
Norfolk boy, says this years seed = 2010 flowers
all mine are chopped down to a foot, cuttings in the beds for propation, every Autumn. They regrow and the butterflies love em. Go for it.
Not worth the effort. Stick to beans and mangetout. Frozen are too good.
Cut em down. When it thickens do a 1/3 now and 1/3 later in April, leaving colour all winter. I do that proportrion every year and it works !!
As the UNOFFICIAL"Norfolk Olympic champion horse poo user" i use freshly meadow-picked horsepoo by the trailer full. As it goes nowhere near a...
often plants flower/fruit on last years growth. If you prune last years growth then no flowers / fruit. eg blackcurrants. There is a word for...
Me too. Was outside inspecting in tnese bitterly cold winds. Primula giving colour and the daffs up above ground level. Can't wait. Stroll on.
layering is maybe an expensive solution for me. Reading all that is so useful.Thanks everyone
We do hundreds of cutting each year(lots of hedging gaps) Then we get a completely dry APRIL....WHOLE LOT wiped out. Last year we mixed and...
Dont forget to collect seeds for multiplication. A friend brought a loads of self seeded ones from his garden in Switzerland !!!
mine are cut in winter but as they self seed (with a bit of help) Ive never had a problem. What a plant to use through a bed. i keep loads but not...
My guide to apple pruning was from here.Good luck
Just to make you giggle.I have a 2 year planted, bare root Malus Red Sentinel outside my study. It was planted there to give me something to...
Shoot them or get a cat, or better still both
Separate names with a comma.