agree with using mix. My 2005 "new" hedge has dogwood, blackthorn, hazel, geulder rose in the majority hawthorn hedge. Go for it and quick. You...
Yup its staked and we tightened string around the wound too.Why still in leaf ?..I asked here last year and no-one knew. Am i bovvered ? Of...
My stlll in leaf, Liquid Amba was at 90 degrees with half the trunk snapped. We righted it put ties above and below and put thick tape a1round the...
Remember debating with you guys about saving seeds for spring sowing or sowing immediately. I chose this year the latter and have enjoyed watching...
Ive bought some too and having had a good crop from spring sowings will try now too. Lets see ....not like there is a queue of plants to go in now...
my god the stories...what a positive picture we draw of our country.I live on a big plot in the country. One neighbour was upset by my hedge,...
brilliant news. Dont forget to collect the seeds and propagate them. Its very easy and fullfilling.!! Good luck
Just looked at weather forecast for next 14 days and there were no dry days and none > 22 degrees. My gardener suggested we planted out recently...
Give it a No 1 in autumn. Next spring you will see the benefits of such a strategy. My white one is amazing. I wish i could recover like that.
I have been amazed at the impact of top dressing masses of horse poo, freshly picked off local pasture has had on my clay. Good luck
We have a horse chestnut, now 4m high, grown from seed by the wife. There are also sweet chestnut not far behind. In pots first then a rabbit...
We planted 200 trees on 3 acres. 4 years later you can now get shade. I hope your experience will be as spiritually upliting as ours. Bon chance
I grew a few trays of Lavatera from shop bought seed. I potted on then we planted out into the beds. How then is every one of the 4 blocks of 5...
my flourescent , orange, plastic, bought, for 80p, 4 inch dibberis my unreplaceable favorite tool. Present bought by old friend in
Same problem here, but why feel stupid?More you garden , the more you learn
sorry to go on, but best is sliced, oiled then on the BBQ !! Yum yum
They should keep till about April/May next year - I guess it depends on the variety and whether you grew from seed or sets. I grow Ailsa Craig...
Chemicals kill not remove them. Tractors or jcbs do the digging. Good luck.
ASH alright. Dig em up and put something more attractive in.
My god what a list i could add. Leylandi are at the top. My neighbourr's makes no difference to me, but must cut all afternoon sun for...
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