Lovely clear blue sky until 2ish then a few clouds rolled in but was still warmish. Reached 16'c/61'f
Humped 12 60l bags of compost down the garden for topping and mulching the beds later. Then tidied up the crocosmia, irises. Removed the blue...
Hazy sunshine most of the day up until 6ish then started drizzling Temp reached 13'c/56'f at 2.45pm
Down to the grandmother in laws again yesterday after work, loads done lawns edged and cut. Must of took 1000 bluebell bulbs out of the borders....
Thank you @shiney for taking the time to write such a detailed account of such a stunning and diverse place! :dbgrtmb:
Happy birthday Mr Grinch
My order from brookside nursery arrived this morning so tonight consisted of potting on 40 geraniums and 40 gazanias. Repotted the 3 large...
Mostly cloudy with occasional light showers but at 4pm the cloud cleared away and left a lovely sunny evening. Temperature at 6pm was 10'c/50'f
Those black Thai ones are quite rare @joolz68 from previous reading think that there not as hardy as basjoo but should be ok in a unheated GH in...
Heavy rain/hail showers on and off most of the day but when the wind wasn't blowing it felt warm in the sunshine but bitterly cold in it 9'c/48'f
My 3 that I dug up in November have had quite considerable die back on the stems. Still about 2/3 ft of firm stem left though, so hopefully now...
Potted on dahlia bishops children and redskin, perilla, salvia coccinea Sown the giant pumpkins, Swiss chard and a few more Ricinus as the other...
I did @joolz68 if that's any help. I left 2 in the ground as a experiment Can you remember those musaiflora seeds you sent me last year? I didn't...
Same here, dug most of mine up in December and just dumped them on newspaper with the soil left on in the GH. They started shooting a couple of...
Good signs on the fuchsia boliviana and boliviana Alba and denticulata all have new bud showing. Hopefully will be able to take some cuttings this...
Mainly cloudy today with a couple of heavy downpours this afternoon feeling mild though 11'c
After work around to the grandmothers again to try and finish off. Had the bonfire :yahoo:now I now I can see what I've done and where I've been....
Potted on the tomatoes black cherry, sungold, gardeners delight and tigerella. Turned over the beds and borders at the bottom of the garden and...
My 3 ensetes have been growing slowly over winter, all look ok but the stems are very dry. Potted them on into new compost and gave them a little...
Welcome to GC @pickle :snorky:
Separate names with a comma.