Well what a day, started at 6.45am in my own garden for 45 mins before going to work. Moving a few bits out of the GH and tidying the pond up....
Another great sadly gone! RIP
Potted on 15 cactus dahlia and 10 begonia tubers. Must start empting the GH this weekend space in now required for potting on. Palms and other...
So sorry to hear your plite of horrible neighbours @Lynd people like this want sh**ting to put it politely. Hopefully you find a nice new place soon.
Many thx all for your kind wishes and lovely cards! Had a lovely meal made for me by my amazing partner Tina and little Mowgley (kian) Some lovely...
Must of been windy in the night as the wheelie bins were 15 foot from where there supposed to be and some pots blown over:doh: Sunny spells today...
After yesterday's glorious sunshine and a temperature of 13'c This morning a grey & windy with rain predicted later :th scifD36: Currently 9'c
Finished work around 3ish and straight around to the grandmother in laws while the weather was glorious. Clipped the privet back around 6ft too a...
4 types of canna potted on into 35 7cm pots Ricinus New Zealand, impala, zanzibarensis sown too
Not in a bad way just addicted to buying seeds, bulbs, plants and having no where to put them :heehee:
Wow @Lynd I thought I was bad :heehee: Keep up the great work it will pay off soon. Just a thought to save your mini GH blowing away I would scree...
Keeping my mind occupied.Sown 3 kinds of sunflowers with little Mowgley tonight and also sown some impatiens bi Caudata and balsamina and 100...
After yesterday's marathon session my joints were paying for it this morning :doh: But a shift at work sorted that out :snork: Went around to the...
Nope much in my garden apart from trimming the privet hedges and raking the moss out of the lawn. Then over to my grandmother in laws to tend to...
Cold, damp 'n' grey with drizzle on and off all day 5'c/42'f
Roughly about 2 weeks @Anthony Rogers , still very small though but alive :yay:
Not much today, just ordered some geraniums, gazanias and begonia Gryphon from brookside nursery. My seed grown boliviana fuchsia have sprouted...
What a difference a day makes, cold and grey today with a cold wind 6'c/44'f
A beautiful sunny day after a chilly start, some hazy cloud around at different parts of the day 13'c/ 56'f
After finishing work, managed to mow the moss (lawn :heehee:) Edging I'll do tomorrow, plan was to do it tonight but little Mowgley wanted to...
Separate names with a comma.