My other hobbies are ,Swimming, Cycling,Playing Guitar and Piano, not at the same time,reading, decorating. My Wife thinks my other hobbies are...
"OK,Das Furze ,Stinken Schwein". :sick0026:.
"Is That You Raven Again ?".
Rooming With A Snorer.The guys were on a bike tour,no one wanted to room with Nick,because he snored so badly. They decided it wasn't fair to...
"Say three Hail Mary's and Three Our Fathers, My Child, To help to cure you of those""Chest Swelling Lumps". :sad:.
. (The Ramblings Of A Retired Mind).I was thinking that women should put pictures of missing husbands on beer cans.I spent a fortune on...
" In Gods Name, You Can't Build A Golf Course Here Donald !"."Bubba, God Only Walked On Water !". ;);).
At The Next Stroke Of The Animated Clock It Will Be Pigeon Pie Time. :yes:.
"Margaret, You Look Fantastic In That Suit", says Jane."Feels Pretty Good Also, said William.;).
I tipped the winner, One For Arthur, to my wife and also 2 of my daughters, who phoned me for a tip for the National. I recommended Arthur to...
Absolutely Excellent for this age, one to watch in the future.:blue thumb:.
An old Farmer went to town to see a Movie.The ticket agent asked, "Sir what's that on your shoulder ?"The old Farmer said, That's my pet...
I have had a lot of trouble with muffled sound quality on 4 televisions. As Fat Controller said ,the T/V Casings are thin, they are getting...
A Guy brings his best golf buddy home, unannounced for dinner at 6.30,after enjoying a day of golf. His wife screams her head off while his friend...
What Is Your Dad Song ?. You know, the song you sing after a few sherbets at a party or whatever,and in some cases to the embarrassment of your...
You are, as usual, Spot On , wiseowl. I have this rose in my back garden it is a lovely coloured Rose with a lovely perfume. I have tagged it with...
A Wife. being the romantic sort sent her husband a Text:" If You are sleeping,send me your dreams" " If You are laughing,send me your smile" "...
On The Morning That Winter Daylight Saving Started ,I Dropped In To Visit An Ageing Friend Of Mine.He was busy covering his Dangler with Black...
Farmers wives, Samantha and Brodwyn were having a cuppa and discussing their sheep herds. Samantha said,"That blooody ram we paid a fortune for...
Question:::Which Bees Produce The Most Milk ?===== Boo Bees. :sofa:.
Separate names with a comma.