That would be (Summer Star x Heavenly Curls). Here is its photo from last year:[ATTACH]
The secret to getting the seedlings to flower in a year is not only the warmth of your area, but also getting them in the ground early. I think...
I knew I would get my first new seedling blooming soon, and it opened today! [ATTACH] This is When Spirits Unite x Free Wheeelin'. It is 7.5"...
Thanks. I thought it would be better to wait until I had the whole sequence. Today it has withered.
I know there isn't a whole lot left, but I wanted to show a sequence of Hibiscus mutabilis, also known as Confederate Rose. These 3 photos are of...
Thanks - my gift to myself was 'Core Values', which should arrive today or tomorrow, and some seeds for New Swirls x Trahlyta, Two Part Harmony x...
I finally got a flower on Trahlyta that looks like it should: [ATTACH] It is too late to do any more crosses, and I have only 10 more pods to...
Here are 2 daylilies that are open today: [ATTACH] This is Leroy x President Ronald Reagan. It is a little weathered, but the photo was taken in...
I haven't seen any, no bees or hoverflies. Since it needs smoke or fire for the seeds to germinate, there aren't any little ones.:)
Behind my house providing privacy is a Protea bush. The Azorean government has been pushing the growing of the species for the cut flower trade as...
Every September my Hibiscus "Southern Belle" type opens: [ATTACH] This was grown from seed and is 7" across. It dies back in the winter.
I got Jungle Butterfly this past spring, and it has opened for the first time: [ATTACH] This is known as a butterfly type because the petals are...
I thought I recognized your phytolacca, so I went to the Azorian biodiversity website and found Phytolacca americana - 100% invasive! It fact, I...
I won Sylvie Blondeel x Cobraskin Necktie (hoping for an applique throat); Ruckus x Fantastic Fringe (teeth); and Dreamy Blue Eyes x Xylophone...
I had one of those unamed ones open today - it came as a suprise since it hasn't rebloomed in the past. All it did was remind me why it will be...
I like the 3rd one the best with the yellow/orange center to the petal and surrounded by a rosey red edge and halo. Or maybe its the green throat....
One of my oldest seedlings first bloomed this year on April 28th: [ATTACH] My garden name for it is Streaky, for the obvious reason. All the...
I almost used Palace Garden Beauty, but I want to play around with the blue eyes some of these have (Blue Spring has a pod on it). 2 flowers on...
That is an odd eye pattern on Swashbuckler Bay Boy:smile:. Armin Eder, who made the cross on his 0009/05, describes it as orange cream, but I...
Separate names with a comma.