Think of hybridizing like mixing paint - the soft colours will tone down a strong red or orange; and if you have something like Outrageous, it...
Nile Crane - :wow:
You're right, Spruce, I do like First Knight. It seems to have no trouble passing on its ruffled edge. :biggrin: I got Fun In the Sunshine and...
Quilt Patch is worth 2 photos :ccheers:. And it really does look like it is brown. Looking at the backgrounds, you must be spending hours there...
Patchwork Puzzle is really nice:hapydancsmil:I was suprised to see it is pre-2000, I think it looks more recent. I keep forgetting about Core...
You have to make a check list of what you expect a seedling to do, and look at every flower as an audition for being kept. There just isn't enough...
Today is another variation on the same cross - South Pacific x Talladega. This was a bonus pack of seeds, but sometimes those are the best....
Hornby Castle appears to be one of those garden name types for something that was never registered. If you were to cross it to something and get a...
Lunacy is a favourite of mine, and I haven't done any crosses with it because I like it the way it is, and mine is about to rebloom with 5 scapes....
Burning Daylight is described as "glowing orange self", and it certainly is :blue thumb:
Lots of great photos today :hapydancsmil: The one of Huckleberry Candy shows something I have found in one of mine - it appears to have 3 sepals...
I bet you could get something really nice if you crossed Tomorrow's Song with Magic of Oz:ideaIPB:
Try taking the photos in the morning. After baking in the sun & UV levels of 9 and 10 [here], they can look sad by the evening.:ideaIPB:
My season has been starting in April and goes to October, but something manages to bloom every month. In the fall I will start giving away the...
I have a FFO today... there is one section I planted late last year, and it has taken a lot longer for it to start producing. Here is Better Lucky...
Sanford Star Search isn't that much (go look on Ladybug how much Life Is A Highway is :thud: ) Magic Of Oz is great for the green throats, a trait...
If you thought Core Values was special, here is one to top that: [ATTACH] 'Life Is A Highway', Hansen, 2011, TET. I measured it, and it is the...
Oh, yes - got to love Spc B.P.:dancy:
The numbers are the number of children where the flower was used either as pod parent or pollen parent. The number usually equals the total number...
I like Colorado Moon Fire - I have it in a sdlg; Colorado Moon Fire x Sulphrite Prism. This colour with a black eye and edge.
Separate names with a comma.