Still raining steadily in Canterbury. Probably same at home. That'll be good for the garden.
We've got rain. LOTS!![ATTACH]
We need more rain. But not a month's worth in a day. The lawn was so dry yesterday. Basically I mowed hay, dry leaves, and dust. And a few wild...
That's actually how I do it, to save picking bits up from the gravel path!! Only I don't smoke them. :)
The central section of a Japanese anemone, after losing its petals in the strong winds. [ATTACH][ATTACH]
My wife will enjoy sharing this with my ex girlfriend. Really!!
Very breezy. Warm, but not hot. Ideal for gardening - at least, the destructive type. Tree felling, lawn mowing. The local farmer is muck...
Went out to tackle the conifer approximately 15ft high. Not going up a ladder in the strong winds. So I stripped it from as high as I could reach,...
I've been banned from lumberjacking larger trees, but these are about 15ft high, and this would be just trimming pieces off, before removing the...
Good morning all. Windy here in the south-east - but not as bad as some of you further north and west are experiencing. My wife amusingly...
@RogPJ I know that it can be difficult for those who have not experienced the utter meanness of a neighbour, to appreciate how consuming the...
I remember when I was entitled to claim for state benefits, I also got £10 Christmas bonus. Which was more than my wife got from her employer....
It rained most of the morning, which was good for the garden. Dry, but rather blustery this afternoon. Made our round of crazy golf a little more...
Most of my pictures have been close up, rather than overall views. I've been taking them since we arrived, including a spattering of snow, the...
Thank you. I'll try that later.
I wouldn't know how to start an album, let alone how and where to find it to continue to add to it at a later date.To me, an album is either a...
We pay £116 per month for gas and electricity combined. Fixed for 18 months. However, we're still in credit at this time of the year. We did have...
Ours look dainty enough, but they are in so many places that I would want to plant other things. But I guess that's normal with a relatively new...
We've got a little rain. More, please!! [ATTACH]
Day of rest today, except for clearing leaves dropped by trees stressed through lack of rain.
Separate names with a comma.