I thought it was on second homes, not if you want to move there? How would that be xenophobia?
Its the 8th of Feb before we reach a sunset of 5pm on this side of the country.
So was it actually telling me that my one drive was getting short of space? I thought it meant my PC was getting short of space.I've not been...
I notice on the news today that Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel is getting close to sign a ceasefire, does he think Trump will not back him...
I cant see that option.:scratch:I think I've done it now, under the heading of, quit one drive.:biggrin:
At this time of year, as you know, its all about cloud cover, so very difficult to forecast those 2 degrees. Low single figures sums it up.:biggrin:
These are the ones I buy, admittedly when I grow them I usually end up with lots of small ones and often multiple tubers stuck together, I shall...
I've had my laptop about 2yrs now, suddenly I'm getting messages that have nearly run out of storage and soon wont be able to add any more...
Minus 9c sound cold enough for me.:biggrin:Sunny here and 7c.
Personally I dont take anything Trump says as anything more that hot air. He's a big talker, but at least last time he got reigned in on some of...
Sorry but I didn't and cant understand what the writer is trying to say. I've just read it again and I'm unsure what threat Canada is facing.
Broken cloud and 2c. It was 0c when I went to bed last night so maybe slightly warmer today.
Lots in the one I went to today.I buy them from a shop in Tenterden, bit of a drive but worth it, they are best just scrubbed before boiling....
Again, if only it was summer time, the high is giving us in the south continental air while Scotland is getting Atlantic air.
I saw 40 ltrs of Jacks Magic, peat free on sale for £7.99, at Notcutts garden centre today. It said on the pack 25% extra free.:yikes:They must...
Its strange how we are all being steered towards electric when its probably the most expensive energy on the planet.:whistle:
I use the ones from screwfix, mostly workshop heaters greenhouse heaters are a rip off IMO. I dont have this make but its very similar to one of...
I only used the old yellow flame types in the greenhouse, frost protection only, I know the blue flame ones were better as they were often used...
I've actually stopped using FBB because I've never noticed any effects when using it.
Romex – romex"Rompox easy" appears to me to be a PU based product which sets vis dampness, the "Rompox D1" appears to be the water emulsifiable...
Separate names with a comma.