I've literally just noticed your robot whilst on the tomato thread, and commented on it there. I used to knit a lot of little dolls/figures. It's...
PS. Love the little knitted character on your profile pic. :smile:
A couple of Maskotka might suit her next year. I grow one for a friend every year. Easy, productive and yummy.
I've given up giving tomato plants to my daughter. If she even gets as far as planting them it's a miracle. :noidea:
Nothing but domesticated triffids, really...
I can't see how they'd ever make viable fruit, as the very bottom leaves will wear out/ be pruned off quite quickly. I suppose that in a wild...
Ah, now that's something I see quite a lot of. Santorini is prone to it and I've already noticed it this year on Amur Tiger.
Balc's Cherry has shoots growing out of the spines of the lower leaves. I can't find anything specific online, but I have a lurking memory...
[ATTACH]All my front-of-house toms are out, just in time for the foolishly large white oriental poppies to make an appearance. In the big pot are...
Pendant ce temps au conservatoire....[ATTACH]A couple of odd-bods. To the left is a dehybridised version of Rosada, a hybrid cherry plum no longer...
Picspam incoming. Green toms on Balc's Cherry, Sweet 'n' Neat Scarlet Microdwarf and Stunty Bloody Butcher. A big ol' megabloom on Amur Tiger....
Busy adding these to the spreadsheet. :whistle:[ATTACH]
[ATTACH]Did you mean this pot, @AnniD ? That's 30 litres.
Trying something out with the outdoor toms. Planting in bottomless pots, then adding caps of sheet mulch. Watering is via the sunk pipe sections....
All planted up in the greenhouse. Now it's just a waiting game. [ATTACH]
A couple of days later. One classic potato leaf but now I'm not sure if the other two are regular leaf or "mitten" potato leaf, or even one of...
Balc's Cherry, fruiting nicely and planted out at the front of the house. One of four small red cherries this year. Should be some interesting...
I don't think I nipped out the first blossoms when I grew it, but I don't grow many bush varieties so I'm no expert. I'm a bit random re feeding,...
Fairly sure it's two regular and one potato. :th scifD36:
Potato or regular? I change my mind every time I look. I know time will tell but I'm impatient as ever. [ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.