Today, I am mostly in France. [ATTACH]
That's the big drawback with growbags when it comes to tomatoes. I like this idea, from[ATTACH] a website called Instructables, for edge-on...
Time to get flower-flicking! Bloody Butcher, sown in January. [ATTACH]
Hi, @pattie. Do you have more info about your plants, from the labels? The term "cocktail" is included in some variety names, notably Cocktail...
Here are the ones already potted up! [ATTACH]
That's the last lot sown. More varieties than I have space to put them, but I'll hone down my selection as I go and give away the surplus. [ATTACH]
Balc's Cherry started trying to flower so I lopped the main stem and am allowing two side shoots to develop. I usually grow my cordon varieties as...
By the time the next (and final) batch are potted up and demanding windowsill space, at least half of the present batch will have gone to friends...
My sown varieties so far. [ATTACH] Flonda, Brazilian Beauty and Boxer Rebellion haven't germinated and are thus consigned to the duds tray. I...
Malibu Pineapple - Bicolor, striped - Shop - Tomātu sēta
Delicious first cutting of pea shoots went into a stir fry tonight. I'll get another cutting from this batch and meanwhile, another portion of...
I've just ordered some cut-price seeds from Sarah Raven and not a single one was a tomato variety. I'm off to polish my halo.Sarah Raven - All...
Anyone would think I'm a bad influence! :biggrin:
My dad grew Gardeners Delight, a big yellow hybrid beef called Golden Boy and the occasional Tigerella. That was about it until Sungold made an...
Are you going to indulge the anoraks and give us a list?
I have the least "scientific" mind you can imagine. My spreadsheets are my best defence against my lifelong scatterbrain tendencies. :rolleyespink:
I really like my spreadsheets for keeping track of the sowing season. Just by asterisking the varieties I've sown and then opting for sorting A-Z,...
Mum's Sungold popped up this afternoon. Still waiting on Chocolate Sprinkles. I've added an Amur Tiger and a Brazilian Beauty, destined for my...
I'm sorting my vegetable seeds and have some surplus available.Organic Pumpkin "Ukrainian Prolific". A classic large, orange, ribbed pumpkin....
Will do. It'll be interesting to see if it breeds true or not.
Separate names with a comma.