Still dark here ! People off to work on the opposite side of the valley are driving slowly so it must be a bit treacherous, take care if anyone is...
Just read that about bird tables @Tidemark , interesting we have only one out of a few different feeders dotted around our garden. To be honest...
Sun is shining over yonder we are North facing so hasn’t arrived our side yet, but the view up and over too The Devils Heap of Stones along the...
On about keeping warm well this was outside yesterday . I wore a pair of cheapy wool gloves under my gardening gloves while weeding/cutting back...
@Star gaze Lily ,@Ladybird4 it's a joy your jokes you post on this thread and all the other posters just what's needed, light-hearted humour too...
It’s -1c probably colder than that, OH spread grit/salt around the front which is a turning circle for our road when we got home yesterday Fromm...
Lovely pinky sky above with a sprinkling of snow around. Not too deep will manage to get to The Garden at the Hospital to meet our gardening gang...
Caught our Bullfinch just now sneaking some flower buds off our Forsythia hanging over our fence, best pic I can get but shows he’s back .[ATTACH]
Did the snow cover our garden yesterday ? Or was I dreaming. All gone! Winds of up to 25mph today, temp up to9c and added to that a blue sky .Our...
Great Pottery Throw Down on Ch4 tonight, new series
Snow is all around today , indoors watching the birds on the feeders [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
3c and Foggy a bit! . Pic is from our front window now.[ATTACH]
Looking out my window here up the Valley @AuntyRach its still snowing and sticking on our front path it’s about 2 inches deep and looks pretty....
Cold one again today 1/2c all day and to expect sleet/snow come Teatime as we are continually warned on the Media. Still my OH shovelled grit/salt...
Sunny and light winds today and around 2/3 all day on the forecast. Who said it's never Sunny in Wales ! Happy New Year everyone.
Gosh my front garden and the back garden is All White! Managed to get the pane fixed back in our Greenhouse. Just happens to have a stored Fig...
Well the dried Runner beans are stored in an empty 'Roses' tin , while our flower seeds like Lychnis Coronaria, Tellima , Maltese Cross ,...
Weather has been as forcasted , noisy through the night OH got up heard a load bang , nothing found though except a polycarbonate pane had blown...
What a Treat for you @Michael Hewett , enjoy !
Congratulations @hydrogardener keep posting your bird pics I do enjoy seeing them.
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