Perhaps the quotes were originally in poor English and are not translations. Still a lot better than my Egyptian. I get a lot of my news on the...
Robins are very territorial and you normally only see one male in any given area, though I had two - together - in my back garden the other day,...
Thanks, guys.
If you use a mealworm feeder the Pigeons cannot get them. They only eat off the ground. They hang around under our seed feeder and pick up the...
Today we got our quarterly gas bill. It was up by 134% from last year and 104% from November's bill. It is frightening.
A friend of ours had a dog which was rather distinctive. He used to run wild and would seek out any bitch in season in a two-mile radius. And...
I was under the impression that castrating a dog made it less aggressive (except when it meets the vet). I had a German Shepherd bitch who was...
I have always considered Hubert Parry's "Jerusalem" the ideal English anthem.
Another day of bitterly cold wind and overcast sky. At least it is dry.
That is applied, in the winter/early spring to kill the larva.
I use a solution of 5 ml of Neem oil and 2 ml of washing-up liquid in a litre of water.
Only this year. It was the middle of March last year.[ATTACH]
My large (and very old) Azalea bush, among the Crocus. Taken just before lunchtime, today.[ATTACH]
In a 2022 UK trial of 70 firms, 86% of companies said the four-day week was such a success, they planned to keep it in place after the pilot...
It was on the news this morning: A funeral director is calling for more environmentally-friendly methods of body disposal to be legalised. Andrew...
Heavy rain from first light until just before noon, but gentle winds and 4C. Now the sun has come out and apart from the ground being saturated it...
Not in Scotland. There are still plenty of Chips and Crisps available.
Not half as offensive as what I say when I am shocked or surprised.
The gas from the firing of the gun is oxygen-poor and this is ingested by the engines. The pilot can only fire a 3 - 4 second burst and then has...
Biden did say today that increased anti-armour capability was being supplied to Ukraine.
Separate names with a comma.