@AuntyRach :) our slug pubs have so many deceased customers each night that I’m having to empty them every morning (into the garden waste bin)...
Tonight the slugs will be imbibing/marinating in Hog’s Back Tongham Tea … a sweet dark malty brew … let’s see what they think of that.
You’re welcome here any time to help yourself @Punkdoc :)
Possibly … but no more than my tender newly planted runner bean plants seem to :th scifD36:
Good morning all :coffee1:@Punkdoc my son will be soooo jealous … The Boss is his hero …Hope we’ve all slept well … I did which is good … I...
Mouse No 3 :yes:
I’ve a feeling there was one with that in the plot.on a more serious note, a shopkeeper in the village where I used to live refused to sell...
What happened to the new shoots at the base of the trunk … are they still alive and growing, or were they the poor plant’s last death throes?
Sorry but it looks as dead as a dodo to me :frown:
I thought some of you exotic types might be interested to see this … Lily flowering heralds end of 30-year-old plant in Suffolk
@Topbird … I remember years ago our four bullocks got out and spent a happy short while grazing the village churchyard … we went down to get...
Hello @ValleyGardener :yay: Very good to see you. :)Just inspected the mouse traps and despite us having heard nothing more last night there was...
THOSE OF A SQUEAMISH DISPOSITION please skip this post …[ATTACH] I can categorically confirm that Norfolk slugs like Norfolk Nog. This is the...
Good morning all :coffee1: It’s a beautiful sunny morning here and 16C .., I took a decision and left the tomatoes out all night in a cosy spot...
Speaking of beans … it looks as if we’ll be eating our first picking of broad beans very soon. We’ll be having some of the bean tops steamed,...
@Topbird WonkyWomble is looking for a new car … a garage chap she knows said he has one with extremely low mileage for its year, one careful...
Got the mouse :dbgrtmb: Sitting down here we heard the trap snap shut and that was it …hopefully that’s the lot … but I’ve rebaited the trap and...
The petals don’t look right to me for the native hawthorn neither do the pronounced veins in the leaves. There are other hawthorns with which I...
I wasn’t going to brave a norwich supermarket on a Saturday morning @Topbird .., I drove OH to work at Notcutt’s so chose from their wide selection ;)
That’s the gorgeous native Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus)Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus) - Woodland Trust
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