@Jenny namaste The duck is just a trinket holder that my wife bought in Malta :smile:
Jesus was worried about the drug epidemic plaguing the world. He decided that a few disciples would return to earth and fetch a sample of each...
@shiney I have a bendy thumb too ! Not quite as much as yours :) [ATTACH]
@Ellis Dura, you could try Sarpo Mira variety of seed potato. 2 chicken egg size seed potatoes in this 30 litre plastic pot produced nine pounds 4...
A Russian agent arrives at a small Welsh station and asks for Mr Jones.“Well,” says the stationmaster, “there’s Jones the Milk, Jones the Meat,...
@JWK Not sure about your S/M breaking up. Our first batch I was boiling them for too long. Likewise microwave then oven, they don't seem to...
Sarpo Mira almost gone. Just one more after this 30 litre plastic pot. nine pounds eleven ounces from two seed potatoes.Looking forward to next...
During the 1970's I was travelling on the London Underground in central London. The carriage was packed and people were still pushing to get in...
Breaking news: Police chasing a dangerous criminal through Heathrow Airport lost him at the Helsinki check-in desk....the Police claim he...
"I am" is the shortest sentence in the English language."I do" is the longest sentence.
Had to go on a 'speed awareness course' - I got caught in a speed trap doing 36 in a 30 mph area.Cost £90, but will not get points on licence or...
If Chris Rea lives in Wales -- He'd start driving home any day soon
Not grown Onions before, so after moderate success with Potatoes I decided to send for some Senshyu sets to plant now From eBay [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I pulled into the crowded parking lot at the local shopping centre and rolled down the car windows to make sure my Labrador Retriever Pup had...
Mega haul from ring culture !! Sarpo MiraTwo seed potatoes -- 17.8 pounds We cut the bottom out of 30 litre Plastic container Lifted today,...
Sarpo Mira reveal 8 lbs 2 oz from 30 litre plastic container - 2 seed potatoes Can anyone identify the dark scab on centre potato ? All the others...
Did you know that If you took every vein and artery out of a human body and put them all in a line,you’d end up in Broadmoor
Why has no one come up with the idea of moving all the kids from the closed schools into the empty Wilko's?Most of them are gonna stack shelves...
Which Icelandic singer was named after a City in Yorkshire ?A; Leeds B; York C;Bradford
John 8:32 "The truth will set you free"Except on Facebook, where it will get you a 30 day ban.
Separate names with a comma.