Totally agree, he was inciting trouble and the police were right.
Currently over 30,000 people are off work with long COVID. This is causing the NHS major problems.
I love the "brand" of rugby England women are playing, if only the men could do the same.
Another cold but sunny day. I managed to avoid injury yesterday, mainly because I spent the afternoon watching the womens rugby. I have surprised...
Elaeagnus ebbingei the variegated form, is evergreen and might contrast nicely with the perennials.
The Grey Wagtails have arrived at the pond. We have a pair breed most years.
The point none of you mention, is the huge increase in the elderly population in Britain. This comes with a massive increased demand [ and cost ]...
If you let it seed, you will never be rid of it.
How much the NHS budget is, doesn't really tell you much. You need to know how much we spend compared to other comparable countries...... and the...
Having read fairly extensively about them, anything to reduce workload, I have found the following: They might work, but they might not [ useful!...
Hi allSunny, but bitterly cold again.# I am home alone today, so I can tackle the jobs Moira does not like me doing, unless she is around to...
AH yes, but you should see me attempt to put a bathroom cabinet up, one door wouldn't open because I had placed it so close to the corner.
That's fine, but you are limiting yourself as to what you can grow. I grow lots of HHA's and they need to start inside, but they produce some of...
As probably the only person here who is both, a dr. and has worked in the USA, I think I am qualified to say, that the NHS is far better, and if...
But does the maths on that add up?
Looks like a Dianthus to me.
It is tender, so will probably need winter protection. I think it grows quite large, so will end up needing a big pot.
Separate names with a comma.