Flippin' chilly in this Easterly. 11c on the patio. Global warming ? Please , Jenny namaste
Got this from my local pet and plant shop .Pricey at £7.99 but very good quality with peat in it. I mix it with a cheaper one and add sand . Good...
Very nice on the SW facing patio this afternoon. Only a little breeze and full sun . 17c and pleasantly warm. Jenny namaste
Cranesbill maccorizum roseum [ATTACH] Hawthorne tree about to look its best[ATTACH] Jenny namaste
Lovely sunshine now and warm enough to have the patio door open - at last , Jenny namaste
Shiny wet patio and and a grey sky this morning BUT I think the sky is getting lighter and brighter, Jenny namaste
Rain turned up at 11.30 am and has been on and off ever since . Dry at the moment but grey and uninviting.... Jenny namaste
Cloudy but dry so far.... The forecast shows a rain drop every hour but the chance of it are about 50% . A gentle breeze but not that cold, Jenny...
No rain here today... just blustery, with sunny intervals , Jenny namaste
The Christmas Poinsettia today. Still going strong, Jenny namaste [ATTACH]
A blue sky, a frisk6 breeze and still flippin' cold. Good news : the weeping cherry tree is still in tight bud this year so the blossom was spared...
A watery weak sun at the moment. The ground is sodden with last nights heavy rain . The Sussex soil is so wet it must be difficult to sow grain...
Agreed , the week after this looks more promising , meanwhile the weeds continue to grow uninterrupted,
We do pay rather a high price for a sunny Easter Sunday,,,, the weather for the rest of the week looks naff, Jenny namaste
Been lovely and sunny since 12 noon.... Temp. got to 21c on the patio mid afternoon. Had guests for Easter Sunday roast turkey , Been glorious,...
Only brief glimpses of sun this afternoon but supposed to come out 6pm and 7 pm , Jenny namaste
Lovely blue skies and a light wind.. 10c on the patio in the shade , Jenny namaste
Typical April day... Jenny namaste
Raining cats and dogs now Jenny namaste
Cloudier now but still dry , Jenny namaste
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