I used a tub of Oxalic Acid once. It worked. You'd buy it from a woodworking supplier.
[ATTACH] Petrocosmea forrestii. First one I'm trying out and I put it into too narrow of a gap, so I'll move it to a better position when it's...
[ATTACH][ATTACH]Bears' Paws (Cotyledon ladysmithiensis) from the Little Karoo. Lovely little succulent.
I use a forceps, which you can buy online, to weed around my cactus.
Chaenorhinum origanifolium 'Blue Dream'
[ATTACH]Edelweiss.[ATTACH]Calceolaria.[ATTACH]Acis autumnalis.[ATTACH]Gaultheria "Pearls" won't take any lime.[ATTACH]On the...
[ATTACH]Cattle trough with inbuilt ballcock used as small pond. [ATTACH]Lobelia "Queen Victoria" growing in the water. But when I grow them...
Put up a Hawk Kite. The only trouble is, is that it has to moved to a different position every second day. (Otherwise the birds will realize it's...
I never trim mine.
@Sirius I don't bother changing my labels now. Too many name changes so I'll live in the past. :) :)
@Sirius Correcto! Yes, it's one of yours. The others you gave me are also doing very well. I particularly like the one with the dark edge to the...
[ATTACH]Red hot pokers & foxgloves beside the water.[ATTACH]Western marsh orchids, which blew in from somewhere.[ATTACH]Lilies....
[ATTACH] Formosan lilies.[ATTACH] Life on top of a limestone boulder. :)[ATTACH] Not a paniculata, as the label is hidden, but a silver...
Lovely pond. Creeping Jenny is good to hide a liner.
Lower leaves going limp is a sign that they've too much water.
Well done on attracting all that wildlife. Ponds are lovely.
Yellow flag iris.[ATTACH]Bog cotton.[ATTACH]Water's quite clear. (Famous last words??)[ATTACH]Lithodora, Helianthemum &...
Separate names with a comma.