I keep them in check :pathd::whistle:
Yes, but that Santa was homeless so lonk took pity on him and gave him warmth, shelter and a purpose in life :pathd:
Have you seen this thread: What are you reading? ;) :heehee:
:strumw8:Ok, she's had 5 minutes, times up!On my way ...[IMG]:scratch: I'm expected to cook? :scratch:Get the BBQ out then .......
To my mind, it is down to basic husbandry. My girls go into lockdown every Winter. By November, they are confined to quarters and given fresh...
Good job I never made a punt! :phew: :whistle: :heehee:
Such a beautiful card and sentiment. Love the design! :thumbsup:
@Zigs - you truly are an education! :love30:
I'd forgotten I looked like that :oops: Note to self: unveil the mirrors once in a while! :nonofinger: Ta for the reminder! :thumbsup:...
Then fire up your BBQ :dbgrtmb:A BBQ is not just for summer ( :nonofinger: ) it keeps the winter chills at bay :thumbsup:
Hmm, :Think: ...... try asking? :scratch: :heehee:Freddy seems to know what he is talking about (I've met him, he does seem to know...
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Our Mandy: aye!
Our @Sandy Ground meets the criteria of both "young" and .... "inexperienced" ;) ... when it comes to "M" land :lunapic 130165696578242 5:...
I listened to them all (thank you for posting!) but, my preference, at this time, remains with "Explosions in the Sky" - I could listen to that...
Ok ... I think I have an answer (of sorts!)[IMG]:happydan:[MEDIA] :happydan:
Good evening @Grumps :)There is a dedicated "Tomato Growing" thread, which we run annually, to discuss all things tomato (no spuds permitted...
Oh; you newbie posters are so ... gauche! :snooty::whistle:
This "jury" is out on that one :snooty::heehee:
Separate names with a comma.