Almost too tired to type! Daughter is coming to stay tomorrow, so we have had a blitz on the neglected housework. Spent most of the day on it, but...
That’s very good news, @Badly_Maintained, and very heartening to hear of a relative prepared to assume responsibility for the children. I suspect...
You’ve had me worried there, re the bin collection! Just checked the council website, and the recycling will be picked up a day late, because of...
Our green bins are filling up quickly, still a week to go. @RowlandsCastle, aren’t your bins being collected a day later, due to the bank holiday?...
On one visit to Florida, we took a ride on a small plane from Key West to Fort Jefferson, in the Dry Tortugas. It was a float plane that landed by...
Woken by rain in the night, and it’s pretty soggy this morning. Not planning to head out anywhere this weekend, judging by reports of the usual...
@lizzie27, That bouquet looks very like one I treated myself to this week, although I did get it from the reduced section! I was also wondering...
What a glorious garden, @RowlandsCastle! It sounds as if your move has been very successful, nicer neighbours and wonderful surroundings. Are...
What a wonderful trip, @Obelix-Vendée! I’m now wondering how I can arrange a trip so see some of these amazing sights, given that we don’t feel...
I should have edited the picture before I posted it! The fire exit sign is actually not that daft! I was sitting at a table by the window of the...
Morning all, from a rather damp Devon. Rained heavily last night, and very blowy this morning, with some really ominous clouds. I’m sure when I...
Heavy rain outside at the moment. Very pleased to see it, but I wish I had taken the recycling and bins down to the road earlier! I’ve had a busy...
Gosh, you lot are busy! Interesting journeys, and I’m loving the food descriptions. Nothing to report here. Much cooler here today, so I did some...
When we had our ceiling plastered a couple of years ago, we were told to let it dry out completely. Then use the diluted first coat ( messy!) as...
How gorgeous! I’ve only seen a hedgehog once in the 20 years we’ve lived here. Too many badgers around, plus owls and foxes as well. We used to...
I think some paint manufacturers recommend a first coat of slightly diluted paint ( ten parts paint to one of water) or you can buy special primer...
How horrid, @redstar, I hope the ‘guests’ were subject to a large deposit to cover any possible damage. That jam looks good, @RowlandsCastle! I...
Separate names with a comma.