Sow or sew, love it, @Obelix-Vendée! How daft of the receptionist, @lizzie27, you would think they would have booked you an appointment while they...
What a lovely post, @Anna42! I can just picture the ponies frolicking around! Talking of pictures, the dog picture was lovely, sorry, can’t...
Love your attitude to HW, @Ladybird4! Never seems much point doing it when it needs doing again the next day. I tend to let it build up a bit and...
Hi there, @Butterfly6, hope you’ll be joining us regularly for a ‘chat’. Great to hear your heating is working again, @Liriodendron....
I actually managed an hour in the garden this afternoon! Don’t know where I found the energy, but I headed out with the loppers and cut down a...
Woke to a very misty morning here. Porridge with fruit for breakfast, OH will continue with his work in the en suite. Hopefully new lights will go...
You watch your back, @AuntyRach! Don’t want to go back to square one! I’m so glad we went out this morning. It was glorious down by the sea, and...
The sun is out! Still chilly in the shade, but so bright and cheerful. We have headed down to the coast for a walk on the seafront. Need the...
Glad your back is finally showing signs of improvement, @AuntyRach. I too enjoy logic puzzles, I do the puzzle baron ones on line, good fun when I...
Sorry to hear that Poppy is unwell. One of our cats developed a tumour in her mouth. She wasn’t young, so we kept her going while she was still...
I must be alone in not liking runny egg yolks! Poached, fried or boiled, they have to be solid for me! Hope your back is now improving,...
Took a trip out for paint and some new lights for the bathroom. For once, seem to have got everything we needed in two shops. Some problem with...
Very icy out here this morning. We were going to meet up with friends this morning, but decided to heed the ice warning, and stayed at home. The...
Just been to visit a friend in the village. It has been trying to snow all afternoon, but now it’s coming down heavily and settling. Noticeably...
That’s terrific, @Allotment Boy. Wonderful to be able to register with an NHS dentist. The sooner the current rubbish contract for dentists is got...
Wishing your back a speedy recovery, @AuntyRach. Very uncomfortable and you just can’t rush bad backs. I’m continually monitoring how I sit, or...
Ooh, @Penny_Forthem! You are too far away for me to invite myself for supper, but I have just added cherries and cream to my shopping list! We...
Rain is very heavy this evening. We popped down to IKEA this afternoon to buy a picture frame, and were shocked at how busy it was. We normally go...
Wet here, and 11C. No snow for us, but one of the roads into Exeter is closed by flooding. Slept in till nearly 10am, must have needed that, have...
Separate names with a comma.