I have three citrus bushes, two lemons and an orange lime (I know that sounds odd but I think it’s really an orange but calls itself a lime) that...
The pots are much too big. These are babies; repot in smaller pots. Terracotta is best and keep them dry only watering when the compost dries out....
.......Or because they think they are unmanly or unflattering in some way. Seems to me if you care about other people you wear them in enclosed...
Sorry to read this. My condolences to her family. COVID related?
Dandelions are very good for pollinating insects, especially bees of all sorts in spring when the bees first emerge and when there are often not...
I wear one in enclosed spaces like a shop or bank, don’t go anywhere else that’s inside. Wearing a mask reduces transmission; it’s the right thing...
Male Yellowhammer.
What a fantastic lillyfest!
It’s great you’ve made a garden pond, the single most important thing you can do to attract wildlife. I hope you’ve made provision for amphibians...
Hope you post some pictures soon.
Garden soil is fine. It’s what I use, just place pebbles on top to hold it down.What did you order?
Lots coming on for me but all still green.
Looks like choisya to me, aka, Mexican Orange. Beautifully scented with citrus type white flowers.
We made a wildlife pond nearly three years ago and it really does get better and better. See this thread: We're Making a Wildlife Pond As...
Beautiful place where you live and the envy of many I think. Not sure why you related the story of the septic tank......I thought they were now...
I would not walk on the new grass for a month, then only lightly for 6-8 weeks at least. Don’t worry about the weeds; the first mowing will see to...
Without knowing the size and what is likely or possible in this location inPortugal I would not like to say. Not House Sparrow IMO. If it’s...
With French drains I would not plant anything vigorous (including Clematis Montana which is ok on a north wall otherwise) as it will eventually...
I sowed on 29 February: Orange Paruche - tasty and small Golden Sunrise -mid size yellow and tasty which yielded well last year Costoluta...
Ammonium nitrate is a common ingredient of fertilisers.
Separate names with a comma.