I like to do the Daily Mail "Quick Crosword" every morning. I call it my "Dementia Check." I'm rarely stumped for a word, though sometimes I have...
I think one of the reasons why people will watch some repeats, is that the quality of programmes these days is often very poor. Too many cookery...
Given the ridiculous number of repeats, eleven years ago, I "christened" this channel :-BBCB4BB See Before!Urban Dictionary: BBCB4
Margarita Mamun.I watched the BBC Storyville documentary the other night called "Over the Limit."It was a repeat....Well... It's BBC4 innit?...
As it was too wet to do anything in the garden, I kept myself busy. So I messed around with my leccy piano. I don't play it that often. Sometimes...
I took the ladder up to the wisteria on the pergola on the back of our house and fought my way through the foliage to prune off lots of unwanted...
I've found e-Bay quite good for some plants. Most vendors are anxious to retain their feedback percentage, so you rarely get a bad deal.If you...
The alternate sun and rain we've had recently, has resulted in a huge number of unwanted side shoots from our several wisterias, some have grown...
I have a Fiskars lopper. The type with a cord that runs down a groove in the pole to a ball you pull at the end to work the jaws. These come in...
duplicate post.I've severe problems posting on this board these days, it takes an age to load. It won't accept photos, I have to use a hosting...
Not a lot.Overnight heavy rain.So much so, that I had an e-mail from the pro shop this morning to tell me that the course is closed due to the...
"We" have a rule in our house. "If you buy anything that needs ironing after washing, you iron it yourself."We don't use a clothes line, as my...
I only had a few, though they were all quite big, three around two feet in length. They went to a good home early this year when I closed down the...
Job done!It's hard to match colours exactly with just a mixture of two colours of paint with sand and cement. It's a bit darker than the...
Thursday evening was a nightmare.I'd been doing a bit of dead heading of the roses in the garden and was about to come indoors around 8.00pm....
Cut an inch off the hose then rough up the surface with some sandpaper. Most couplings are only "hand tight" and it depends how much turning force...
Wanda's dishwasher quit working so she called in a repairman. Since she had to go to work the next day, she told the...
Just did a bit of tidying, pruned off a lot of shots off the wisterias, but left most of the "stringy" second blooms, they are always on much...
Having bought a Sony Bravia 43" 4K TV on Tuesday, I decided to get a new stand for it as the first one wouldn't fit on the TV table. It's for...
As a vinyl enthusiast, as do many of my fellow lovers of this medium, I'd say there's a lot of cheap "crapaphones" as we call them being...
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