Is this much different from faith schools? There are Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Sikh only schools all over the UK. Should ethnicity be viewed...
Nah - The saddest part of the job is when a customer ignores your advice and decides on 'having a go' themselves and totally hacking the tree to...
Tell me about it - But it's the way of nature. Just got to deal with it I guess.
Dreamed I was playing tennis against Madonna... but 80's Madge, not the current one. She was wearing a long, black trenchcoat kinda thing. She was...
Wow, thanks, lollipop73 - That's a photo of my wife. She'll be chuffed that she got a mention here!No, not really. Generally arborists are...
Hi all,I've recently become interested in photography and am keen to learn as much as I can. I have no favourite type of photography and shoot...
Monorbier Castle At Dusk[img]
Hi raregardener,From the photos it looks like your tree is suffering scab disease, caused by the Venturia species of fungi. It's quite a common...
[img]This thread's gone a bit off topic hasn't it?
Hi silver1,Can I first ask whether your trees were in containers, root-balled or bare root stock when you bought them?Secondly; surface...
Hi freddy,A birch would be an obvious choice, and there are so many to choose from inc. paper bark, downy and weeping varieties. You could also...
Ahem... not if you don't get a nasty tree surgeon! ;)
Hi jimjam,The problem with growing trees in boggy areas is the lack of stable anchorage. Trees need good, firm ground to stay steady on, but...
General plant food with a balanced NPK mix is fine. Follow the advice on the pack as to when and how much to apply. There's no hard and fast rule,...
Hi Shivy,Leaf scorch develops when the tree loses more water through the leaves than it can take up through the roots. Basically it's a water...
Hi crocus,A tree will grow almost anywhere possible - the environment that it is in will determine how well it does. Acer campestre or common...
Hi lollipop73,Please forgive me, I didn't mean to urinate on your potato based snackage. The reason why the new leaves have come out so well and...
Dig 'em up and plant again, lollipop73. Not only is it doubtful that you will ever remove 100% of the infection but you've opened up a top wound...
Normally, in a natural environment, a tree does not need artificially feeding as it gets its nutrients from humus, dead animals, organc matter...
Hi Daisees,Thanks for the photos. After looking at them and reading through your description of the tree and its location I can only suggest...
Separate names with a comma.