Hi swanseadel,Eucalyptus show what is called strong apical dominance - This is where the leader dominates the tree and stunts any lateral or...
Personally I hate ivy on a tree - it makes it a chore and a danger to climb trees safely.
bobj,The discussion about ivy and its relation with trees has gone on for years and will be around for ever! Whether it actually kills a tree...
Beneath the bark lie dormant lateral buds which will burst out as soon as the tree reaches a certain age/height/size/nutrient level. Keep it...
What treasures could be lurking underneath I wonder!? A haven for wildlife and no mistake, with its own little ecosystem for sure.
Hi honeytone,Sure is a bummer about your tree. I've seen so many horse chestnuts affected either by canker or leaf miner, and I know how people...
Hi Katherna. Without pics I can only assume that your tree has suffered from windthrow (windblow) where the strong gales heave the tree over,...
Hi Maurice,Generally it is best to prune trees out of the growing season, when the tree has lost its leaves. There are certain species and...
Hi Kerry,As lollipop73 said you'll find that it's the very young holly leaves that stay sharp and shapely. As the leaves mature they soften and...
Hi Lollipop73,The leaves are showing signs of shothole, caused by bacterial canker which is common and widespread. It is a very disfiguring...
Hi lollipop73,Do you know how long the raised bed has been around the oaks? Trees can be surprisingly susceptible to changes in soil level -...
Trees should be moist, not drenched. Waterlogging can have devastating effects on tree health. Signs and symptoms can sometimes take up to a year...
Hi shady,In May/June some species of Sorbus suffer from aphid attack which can make whole patches of leaves turn from yellow to red and then...
Hi Henley Birder,The new shoots on the trunk is what's called epicormic growth and is a sure sign of a tree in ill health. Sadly by the time a...
Hi tac1,I was reading this and wasn't concerned until I came across the part saying about the eucalyptus! The first people to talk do would be...
Get it out of the water ASAP! many folks think they're doing the tree a world of good by keeping it in the water, but you will end up slowly...
Hi Barnowl,Do you have any pics? The leaves of most contorted plants are kind of curly or ruffled so I'm sure you're little hazel is fine.
If the ground is fertile there's no need to add any fertilizer or top dressing when the tree is planted. As long as you leave a humus layer which...
If you cut it hard back every year for the foliage over here I doubt it would survive...!! :D
Hi Roy,Welcome to the forum - I hope you can find the answers you are looking for here.Ilex aquifolium is a very tough tree that can...
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