May I first of all, thank my Hon friend Armandii for setting up this thread. My apologies to JR about starting the thought in the wrong place. I...
Spent an hour or so finishing the trimming & tidying up of the polyanthus trady for planting out later. Then this evening I watched two...
I remember my mum making the xmas puddings. Using the white basins and then wrapping the lot up in apiece of white linen, then plunging them into...
Simply, out of boredom. I took a look at the online NHS page about. Body Mass Index. BMI.I entered my sex. Male. (Well that was it, last...
It really is good to meet fellow gardeners on forums like this. To share information relating to, what we have grown, purchased etc. Might we...
Hello Janet. Nice to see you and your post. Well done. So the humble spud, paid dividends in the end. Great news.
My mistake. From the picture angle the rhizomes weren't visible.
We are strange folk. One minute we moan about the winter, then come spring, we crave for summer. Summer comes and soon it's to hot or dry and we...
I notice that your rhizomes are set below the level of the compost. Do you find this is better, rather than having the rhizome sitting on the...
For members who have or perhaps might be developing an interest in Irises. There is a garden website. It's got a very good picture...
I was a policeman in central London in the 60's. OK young and old alike did make the best of what pleasures were available but, once again the...
There are a number of things available. I tried some cat repellant granules once. Cost around £5 a time. No joke. The cats loved them, talk...
I have to admit. At my, 'young age':whistle: I am getting tired of all this news.. Sad news. This pandemic is really serious and, Yes it...
Hey guys. I feel I must apologise for, perhaps hijacking your thread. Sorry. However it was nice to find a thread that dealt with motors. If I...
Separate names with a comma.