All that sounds really useful advise. Mine has had it's first cut and moss treatment and I may just follow your method in the weeks to come. Thank...
We have had it all in the Vale today. Sunny and windy start. Then it greyed over with wind. Then came the hail and snow and wind. At the moment...
Pruned the Hydrangea and potted up 8 Begonias that can sit in the conservatory until later. It's now very wild and windy out there.
"I wonder"
Don't know what your recommendations are, but please don,t do as I was advised and store it in a preserving jar, the ones that are sealed tight...
Almost Egyption style you could say. His name is Mojo. The wood is Cedar. scented to start with but not now after treatment. Not the best of woods...
More from me. [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG]
Nice of you say so JJ. Appreciate that comment. Just for you, I may post some more.
I believe it was mahogany. I finished it with several coats of sanding sealer and wax polish.
One of my carvings. [IMG]
Been shopping. Cant resist. [IMG] [IMG]
Every picture tells a story. To me this says "I am a stressed captive monkey" Thats good. It makes a statement. There are some technical issues...
Not as clean as previous brews. But it,s fine after sieving.
Looking good.
Reasonable looking compost from the Dylek today. After sieving it will be great. [IMG]
Thats the damaged raised bed edges replaced with help from our local Mrs Blackbird. So tame.
Towards the end of last season my little pond was nasty. I bought a solar powered two stone air pump to increase oxygen levels. Being a tight old...
That sure is a load of land
Two new bird boxes up. Simple.
You do need a connection kit to make the power and data connections before connecting to your PC lappy or mac. Cheap enough to buy. If you manage...
Separate names with a comma.