Well done rosa, on all of them! [img]
Thanks for explanation BM, 200 sounds normal, I thought when you said 'nuclear heat' you meant ...off the dial! :DHappy cooking! [img]
Just seen this thread BM, we use only virgin olive oil for cooking, but feel that we should not, as it has a low flash point and supposed to be...
[img]Mixed media miniature of my daughter Claire.Nearly actual size.
Well done Marge and glad you are happy with the painting.Well thank you Kandy, as the dragonfly wings are really only transparent, I cheated and...
Lovely Kandy, brings back memories of the best holidays that I have had, must go back there sometime!Excellent pictures, thank you! [img]
[img]Dragonfly in mixed media (ink, watercolour, acrylic and coloured pencils) for a 12" x 12" frame
Lovely rosa, and agree with every word from LoL and Kandy above! [img]
Portrait of Kaela is a very good likeness indeed rosa, well done! [img]
Thanks for sharing rosa, well done!
Thank you all! [img]
[img]Thank you Marge, and just for you! :DUnfortunately you can now see my kitchen floor! :eek:
[img]KaelaMixed media miniature for Wyldeflower, of her grand-daughter
Yes, we each do our art in our own way, there is no competition and what we post up is there for people to feel free to comment.Yes, colours are...
Thank you all, glad you like him KG, hope that will be a nice way to remember him!
[img]Have been experimenting with mixed media and tried doing Gato again from a different photo.Miniature, using ink, watercolour, acrylic and...
Not at all KG, I was working from a computer art picture and not a normal photograph. [img]That's my excuse anyway! :D [img]
Thank you rosa, LOL, dancing queen, KG and Gogs. [img]
[img]GATOInk miniature for Kedigato
Very good rosa, good likeness!
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