I did @Ergates until I stopped listening to the Today programme :biggrin:.
Is there a weed membrane under the slate clippings @OrangeHeart? If not and the chippings aren’t very deep can you move them aside from the base...
Although it's cold and windy, it's dry so a good day to start some border reorganisation today. With warm temperatures expected shortly I'm going...
Both pansies and violas flower better if you deadhead them regularly, easily done by hand. Elevating the pots can also help to keep root eating...
What are you growing @OrangeHeart? If your soil was improved before the slate was added then a healthy soil should be enough for most plants to...
If the soil isn't very deep, an option is to build some raised beds to increase the scope of plants you can grow. Either that, or, as you say,...
According to Google @LunarSea, the birds will be OK, but not the rats! I wouldn’t worry :biggrin:.
That’s helpful @Astraeus. Plants that attract wildlife in my garden that would suit your bed and location include Buddleia globosa, an unusual...
It would help to know your approximate location @Astraeus, how deep the raised bed is and whether it is open to the earth below.
Vitax Q4 multipurpose is my favourite. It has a good texture and colour and retains moisture well. Most importantly, when watered in pots it...
All the garden centres near me still stock compost containing peat. No banning or brainwashing here, just a lack of environmental consciousness...
I only feed in late February, before growth begins and then sometimes in June, using blood, fish and bone. It takes a few weeks to break down and...
Took one look at the temperature and windswept garden and abandoned any idea of any further activity today. I’m not likely to do anything until...
I’d get a quote from at least two other contractors and cross examine their capabilities! A good contractor will often provide details of other...
I don’t have the knowledge to advise you on that I’m afraid. A good landscaper (if you can find one) should be able to answer that and provide a...
That really is a lot of sand. Budget permitting, I would pay a landscaper to remove the lawn and topsoil, dispose of both and replace with a...
I also use a Felco sharpener on my bypass secateurs. This may help @GreenFingeredPete :[MEDIA]
Today I removed a Fargesia from the corner of the sloping bed above the steps in my lower garden. It always looked as if it was struggling with...
I did think he was the owner, a very sensible way to spend time between customers! Your photos are a welcome relief from the gloomy days here :).
No, @LawnAndOrder, just rough sleepers :biggrin:.
Separate names with a comma.