Why does milk go off 3 days before it's use by date?
Some times if you get an alert (top right of page) and you don't go to that thread you don't get another alert, sometimes you can go to that...
Well my internet speed in a mouth dropping 2mspPages here are very slow to open/change some times a minute or two
01503390018 someone called Sam trying to give free emergency pendants from local heath care, long gaps between talking
Get in touch with your local police for ASB parking on pavements picture's will help email police and copy to your PCC disable people are having...
It will be a hard crop to combine if the 2 crops are planted together and then there will be a lot of cleaning and separting later, ok separting...
If one's dog has a poo on the public highway which people walk/ride and drive don't just look at it then carry on with your walk, then when you...
10c cloudy
Respect works both ways!
with concrete slabs don't get them very hot as they can go bang/exsplode
I were just watching local farmer driving up and down the road in tractor, when he first came down he had someone following, he pulls over to let...
15c cloudy but bright
9c sunny :)
warmist day so far
8c sunny-ish at the mow so hopefully it's going to be a nice day for once!!!!!!
The only change is that it's stopped raining since early this morning
9c raining with a breeze
I to have had it from all corner, even a old boss said to me "your only paid from here down" so i left :pcthwack:
I have to, someone told me i was thick & a banker (my reply " twice nightly & enjoy it :biggrin:)so it must be true ;)
There are some people who work M-F 4.30pm-9.30pm and that's with traveling to & from work as well 25 hour working week
Separate names with a comma.