I have both types growing on walls, one north facing one east facing and I used a suggestion of Marleys-watered chicken poo pellets and gave it...
The climbing hydrangeas will do it, not sure that the fence would be strong enough though.
Hi Jennie,I am impressed, you must have the touch.
Hiya,I bring them in now and out them on a bright windowsill for the winter. Like Ziggy I have found they have fruited indoors. Feed them...
Climbing roses need to be pruned or they will only flower at the top leaving unsightly bare stems, and they are not very attractive.You take...
Hence the Jaffa cake furore I believe:wink::lollol:
For impulse shoppers, or those with kiddies who spend half the time begging for items and the other sulking because you said no it is a dream come...
Puppies or......kids?I'll take the puppies, lovely little blighters aren't they.
I found a lot of things surprising when I first started gardening Andrew, any book that helps is good.Thanks for the recommendation.
As John says, you won't know until you ask. They may just say no. There are a multitude of issues that need to be taken into account, covenants...
It is horrendous andrewh, I know-I have the same situation, currently endeavouring to keep my chin up.Well done Ziggy.
Hi,To be honest I think it would love to be planted into the ground-it is in fact a perfect time to be planting them out.
I know what you mean John-I have a cracking spider that is living in a pieris-it is huge and when you put your finger towards it, it doesn't...
Yes, leave them they will go by themselves. They do no harm only good and no doubt will form the foodstuff of birds and other predators aswell as...
Very well considering I had them in pots this year because of the delay with erecting adequate support.
In my own experience I would say yes, if only because it lessens the risks involved-for myself the biggest reason for failure of cuttings is...
Been there lollyb, I use a bulb planter but even that is just horrendous on the wrists.I have a few hundred to plant myself this year-this time...
That's a new one on me, I have't ever heard of that method-definitely going to have a go at that method-just need some more garden to put them in....
Oh my.......they are gorgeous, you lucky devil.Taking cuttings is actually extremely easy ( sorry for contradicting Woo-I very rarely do so)...
Separate names with a comma.