Hello @SpruceI have Started the Discussion on a Replacement in 'My Garden Progress' Thread.I Think that I am leaning towards HoneySuckle but...
Hello allI Hope you are Well.I have removed the Ceanothus Concha from the Border outside the Back Door.After it was Damaged in the Strong...
Hello @SpruceEasy is Relative :)I have been out and have managed, barely, to Dig it out.When it was Planted it was Planted at an Angle...
Hello @SpruceThanks for the Reply.Unfortunately, when it was Damaged, the Wind Rocked it so much that it was bent down nearly 90 Degrees,...
Hello allI have a Problem, as if that is New :wallbanging:I have a Ceanothus Concha outside the Back Door that was Snapped off during the...
Hello @JennyJBFor the Step, the Landscaper is: Flintons Landscape GardeningHope this Helps.Kevin
Hello @ShealWell, I received the Quote for the Back Door Step.It will be £300 which sounds about right, to me.I have actually Sourced the...
Hello @ShealThanks for the Reply.I did get one Quote which was £550, however, it was done Blind, i.e. they did not Visit to see what was...
Hello @peteDelusional Wishful Thinking on my part :whistle:Kevin
Hello allI Hope you are Well.Another Job I am in the Process of getting Quotes for is to Replace the Existing Back Door Step with something...
Hello allI Hope you are Well.Well, the Saga of the Patio continues.It seems that when the Patio was Pointed during the Re-Laying using the...
Hello allThanks for the Replies.I have put the Hose Reel back on the Wall.It is just more convenient to have it available, in case it is...
Hello allWell, I have completed the First Pressure Wash of the Patio, Paving and Setts of the Year.I will probably do another Clean in March...
Hello allThanks for the Replies.I guess, over the Years I have got into the habit of Draining the Hosepipe, removing it from its Wall Mount...
Hello allI Hope you are Well.I was just wondering, when does everyone take their Hosepipes out of storage after Winter.I put my Hose Reel,...
Hello @ricky101Thanks for the Reply, and the Link.Kevin
Hello allThe Soil Levels in my Garden seem to have gone down over the Winter :sad:Can anyone recommend a Good Topsoil that is relatively Weed...
Hello @infradigThanks for the Tip.One, or more, Questions, if I may?I have no Rainwater available, currently, would Water from the Water...
Hello allThanks for the Replies.@JennyJBI did not notice the Green Growth at the Bottom of the Plant, when I took the Photo I could not get...
Hello allI Hope you are Well.I have noticed that the Rosemary in the Back Garden, in a South Facing Border, is looking, well, Not the Best...
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