Depends on the pesticide, acetamiprid which is legal for example is supposed to degrade fairly rapidly, but is also toxic at very low doses....
Would be fun to try making it :stirpot:I tried to find some papers on optimal ph for tea but couldnt find many good tests, though I did find...
I was in wales in pembrokeshire the last 4 days on a little holiday, and while I was there it only rained for a half an hour total. Now ive...
More likely for gmo beet to take over now as they already have resistant lines for it like with papaya, you can do funny things for immunity with...
Interested how it turns out, im suprised tea isnt already a traditional plant in the UK considering our apetite for it! Not sure how they make...
Never seen an orange-red one like that, quite lovely. Our classic one is huge and enjoys a north facing bank well. Gorgeous in december when ours...
Biblical gardens are more popular on the continent, some churches have their attempts on the grounds.Maybe pick a small number of useful plants....
I second garlic and it can be sown the moment the ground is no longer frozen up until late february I believe.The first crop I grew was...
The non-anuum species make way less pollen. you will need to manually remove an anther and pollinate each flower. if you look at an annuum and tap...
Very pretty, I didnt know there were lunaria cultivars. It grows feral around here. My house is filled with dried ones :heehee:Its called...
My sisters olive got major die back below -8 c so maybe move it if it gets below -5 or so. Ive heard of people using non-LED christmas lights as a...
Not my garden but found this cool looking mushroom during some coppicing volunteering I do [ATTACH] Luminescent
Japanese Fiber Banana / Musa Basjoo is hardy I believe. They have them in Kew but they might dig them up, not sure. I have seen them in Germany...
Jungleseeds sells some crazy things like that, you might check them. Theyre gorgeous but id be too worried having them in the house personally,...
I will only try Honeymoon F1 and Merrygold F1 this year as blight cut our harvest to nilch the last year.
Vesca Stawberries ripe at Christmas! :hapfeet:
I make mini tarts with squash. I roast (ive even microwaved it) the pumpkin with as little skin exposed as you can, then mash or puree it, then...
gorgeous. not many plants like that.
They are perrenials but only short lived, like basil, I believe dying around 4 years if you keep cutting the flowers. Yours looks like instant...
Youd get a warmer air column radiating off the top (convection) but that column would always be colder than the source of the heat. I guessed the...
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